
Modex Profiles

Find qualified loan officers who meet your criteria. Chat directly with candidates looking for new opportunities. Only pay if you hire.

Attract and hire top loan officer talent

Get direct access to the loan officers you’re looking for.

Chat privately with loan officers who are looking for new opportunities. Modex Profiles gives you access to a large pool of prospective loan officers so you can engage them at scale.
Stand out in the hiring market. Customize your profile with details on compensation, benefits, community, culture, and more. Incentivize loan officers to reach out by letting them see why they should work for you.

Savings at your fingertips

Your time is valuable. Spend less of it with third-party recruiters and more of it talking directly with the talent you’re looking for.

You are in the driver’s seat. Bypass traditional recruiting methods and endless conversations with recruiters by chatting directly with loan officers.
Only pay if you hire. Stop paying third-party recruiting fees based on unknown future production. With Modex Profiles, you’ll only pay based on actual production.

Don’t just guess – make hires that last

The new era of hiring is driven by data and powered by Modex.

Total visibility into loan officer performance. Data on production, product mix, licensing info, and real estate transactions lets you understand a loan officer’s entire book of business.
Transparency for all. With Modex Profiles, loan officers and hiring managers come to the table equally informed with insights on the company and candidate.

Your next hire is waiting for you

Claim your profile and start connecting with qualified loan officers. Only pay if you hire.